Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Goozex and more

So I've been using Goozex lately for Games and Movies. It's a great site for gamers and film buffs and way cheaper than purchasing used some cases. Anyway, its a peer to peer trading site that has everything set up for you and yes you can use paypal to pay for shipping and buying points or tokens. It also has review, playing now and forum sections for people who really like to involved. Just like any social network site you can create your profile and connect with other users. Here's mine: RandomRealm

What systems and games are you playing?

Well I was going to write about other stuff but I must get back to work. Email me, text me, Facebook me, Tweet me, just don't Myspace me, I cancelled that one.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Movies, Music and other stuff

The short of it.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen = Cool but too long and where was the revenge? A+ on the CGI.
G.I.Joe: The Rise of Cobra = I liked it. All I heard was bad news but It was entertaining and kept the cartoon charm. As bad as Van Helsing was I thought Steven Sommers redeemed himself. F the people who think this was are no fun. B on the CGI.

Mighty Tiny
This was my second time seeing Mighty Tiny open for That 1 Guy and this time I can say that they have made me into a believer. The first show I wasn't diggin it, maybe because I was pissed waiting for them to start, whatever. The music was different and kind of cool because it was different. I just wasn't impressed with the vocals. This time around the set was shorter and I thought they sounded 10x better. I think they have the potential to be Awesome.

Another opening act for That 1 Guy. One man, a mic and some pedals. Killer! He was Awesome live, go see him.

That 1 Guy
Third time catching his performance and Awesome as always. The Jam he did with Heatbox was fun. Not as mind blowing sick as the time he jammed with Buckethead but damn good fun.

Other than that I've been battling a cough and snapping shots for a local photo contest. Hope I place.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Well why not or as Chad would say,"Who gives a shit!?"

When you sit in a meeting with your boss and he asks what would make your job experience better and you tell him you would rather do other things than running TOC test then says that's no problem, it makes you feel as though you finally got the point across in a civil manner without having to risk being a jerk about it. So why am I sitting in the lab right now dreading the fact I'm about to do another lot of TOC tests to add onto the lot I started yesterday?

Sometimes I welcome a nuclear fallout.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Quick summary of what is

Need to make more money........who doesn't but rich people. Right?
Movies: Max Payne - ok, a little slow. Mutant Chronicles - Good made for TV BS but what a shitty ending.
Booze: Sweet Tea Vodka, two thumbs drunk. Beer: Lone Star, not bad. Gansett, can't go wrong. Works every time.
Music: Visit Odd World and download music from their incredible games for free.
Games: Battlefield 1943 and Peggle. I might return to the Darkness soon and want to play Prototype ASAP.
Gettin ship shape with my girl.
Maggie is getting funnier every day post fits and what not but she's at that age.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

fun with jello

Thanks to Melissa and dirty movies things like this happen. Not sure why the vid was choppy on youtube but maybe not here.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I thought I bitched a lot

Kate and I watched The Strangers last night. Melissa told us it was predictable and that's fine. What horror movie isn't? It wasn't bad but had the cliche. The sound and music was killer, no pun. Anyway, I looked it up on imdb to see if other people liked it. The thread is funny to look through. Also, check the director's thread. Just like any other movie it gets ripped to sheds by viewers but some go into such detail about how much of a piece of shit it was. Bummer. I kind of liked it. I've always liked faceless and emotionless characters in movies because it's scary to think that these people could exist and do. The ending was really creepy because you realize that this might be the first of many killings and the way the women use the knife suggest this is their first time. It is a movie with flaws but not an absolute piece of shit. Look up any movie on imdb and people will just bitch about anything. I don't see them making any good movies. I didn't like Hancock but I'm not going to write a five page forum thread about how the director miss used ancient mythology to create a superhero and how the movie has more plot holes than The Wild Wild West.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

An avid blogger I am not

Is it that I'm just straight up lazy? Not just with writing in my blog but also everyday things like putting away my cloths get put on hold. Is it wrong that I have no energy and just want to watch TV? Many times I've wanted to sell all my video games but the fact that I have many I have yet to play once but have owned it for years gets logged into the lazy category. I have in my possession things like movies, books, music and other stuff still sealed. There is software I haven't used since 2006 or at all. Why? I want to use it, I'm into it, I like it but what is keeping me from it really? Is it that much easier for me to sit or lay down and not move until I want to sleep? My job is not hard or physically demanding, neither is my second job I work 5:30-9:30pm
on Mondays and Fridays. I don't exercise on a regular basis either. I'm not a vegetable so why do I act like one? Maybe I'm overwhelmed by everything but that's BS too. I guess I can start here and work my way through all the things I need to do.
#1 Blog....check.

What's next?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Today I created the Steve Gill Group on Facebook. Join it if you know this strange animal.

In other fantastic news you really need to know....

Kate and I are going to try and take back the bocce crown this Saturday while I swig down the brews. My sister passed her real estate exam! Gracies are in Woburn! Drink Gansett!

I'm going to hit the PC and design work hard core so if I look a little pale just give me food or beverage because I'm feeling weak and had hardly any sleep but it will be worth it...I hope.

Have my mid-year review tomorrow. I wonder what kind of BS will ensue?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Helmet then and now + ME = WTF

Just a little something that was on my mind.

Driving into work I was listening to Lithium (Sirius 24) and Unsung by Helmet came on, it made me think how things change and sometimes change for the worse. I've changed a bit since I first started listening to them both physically and a little mentally. I still complain a lot about nothing. I understand that bands come and go and some go through transformations over time. I know the original band hasn't been together for a while and most of them are involved with other projects, which is cool. I was getting pumped years back when I heard Page Hamilton was working on a new band called Gandhi but he ended up reforming Helmet and releasing Size Matters and has put out other new Helmet albums and I just don't like them. It's not about having the same members in the band that's got me a snobbish about it. I don't like the new style of singing. It sounds like he's trying to connect with the winy emo crowd. Don't know why maybe that's the direction he wants to go. I am still a fan just of the older stuff which I'm sure they'd bust out at a show. That's when I got to thinking. Have I changed for the worse over the same period of time? Some people might like the old me and that's cool I guess but the me in the now doesn't really care anymore. I not here to try and make you like me. I'm too busy for that. I'm trying to make decisions that will benefit my family because I've made many bad choices in the past. Not sure where this is going but I guess just like Helmet I'm still the same and different all in one except I still like me. Ya dig sucka?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

David Cross: Shut up you fucking baby!

This comedy album came out in 2002. I just listened to it's been awhile. It's funny and makes you think. Some predictions have come true (Bush) which is scary. Give it a listen! It's good.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


So the memo went out again this year, Friday is Hawaiian shirt day. I usually dress like a bum so it will be the only day I dress up. And you thought it only happened in the movies and sitcoms, oh no, it really happens.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Almost done with this week

I like the fact that I have no followers. Posting to this blog is like therapy. I like Zombies and Vampires. There, I said it.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

sugar shakes and shit

I drank an Iced Latte from Dunks yesterday. i think i was drugged or my body can't handle the sugar anymore. Crash and burn!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What a crazy 5 Days

Packed up the family and went to the Cape House (Centerville). We hit Cook's for Seafood and did up some Craigville House of Pizza and Mexican, beers/Twisted 1/2 & 1/2.
Beach was super windy. The Magster was funny. Then the Gills came. Kylie Monster was a riot, Steve want blind, you got to love Katie. Took the kids to the Zooquarium. I smashed Mags in the head with my D_Rebel, oops, bad Dad moment. Also we hit Baxter's for more seafood. Grill!!!!!! LALA and BeardFace came on Sunday and we said bye to the Gills. Tried to play Asshole but ended up eating and drinking the rest of the night. After they left we chilled, went for walks and stuff. We also hit an old friends new business.... Twice! Yum!!! Kate Loved Ian's almond milk and Laurie hooked us up with some kick ass coffee (still shaking). Tried to unpack on Tuesday, went back to work on Wednesday and went to see John Williams at with the BSO for film night (;jsessionid=0HNWAITQGJZEWCTFQMGSFEQ?pid=prod2980054 )We met them at beer works before of course. Now back to flow of things...I think.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I'd really like to get everything CS4 or even just Photoshop CS4 but this shit is too expensive to upgrade all the time. Plus I haven't played with all my CS3 programs yet.

Monday, May 18, 2009

WOW I'm an idiot

Every Memorial Day weekend I take off the Thursday before and the Tuesday after. Me being a dummy forgot that now I'm back at the Roast Beef Round Up working Monday and Friday nights I'd need to find someone to work for me. I forgot of course now I must scramble or cut the vacation short. Shit!!!! That's what I get for living in a fog procrastination.

Friday, May 15, 2009


The bruins lost and I drank too many talls and ate too late. Blahhhhh!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Go Bruins!

Almost out of here. On the agenda tonight.
Go home and hang with my girls for a while then eat, grab some brews and hopefully watch the B's win a game 7 with the guys. I know they can do it but will they?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

This whore's blood is killing me

I recently watched Andy Warhol presents Blood for Dracula. It is a good laugh even though I don't think it was made to be a comedy. The blood puking was pretty funny.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

bunch of photos to sum up how I feel about someone at work

Now to get back on track

I'm here at work, not working but thinking of what has to be done now that all the weddings we had this year are over. First thing I guess would be for me to get crackin on websites then re-teach myself all the graphics programs I've forgot how to use. I still need to build Weapon-X (my PC). F Dell and all other store bought computers. Steve Gill is right. Build your own better and cheaper. We will see. Maybe I can get to that tonight. I hope Adobe has a patch for Premiere and After Effects 6.0 for a 64bit operating system. I have video to edit damn it.


Just uploading wedding pics on facebook from the past 2 weekends. I'm spent!!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Music and stuff

I like it when I go back to albums I either never really listened to or haven't heard in a while and get blown away. New music (that is good) is great too but lately it's few and far.

I don't usually listen to acoustic or much folk music but I bought Newton Faulkner's Hand Built by Robots for $7.99 on iTunes because I love his live cover of Teardrop by Massive Attack. It's pretty cool. I like his voice and the lyrics are good not to mention he's a great guitar player.

The older albums I was referring to are NIN : The Fragile (Left) and Far: Tin Cans with Strings to You. I never really listen to the The Fragile from beginning to end. I was at work plotting data :(
I brought up iTunes and started listening. It took me about 4 hours to do my work because I zoned out to the music every time I sat down. I think that album was overlooked by many. As for Far, I've always been a fan and was bummed when they broke up. Tin Cans is a dirty raw album compared to Water and Solutions and that's what makes it so good to go back and listen to over time. 90's rock was so good because the bands made stripped down albums because the garage band was in and the over produced crap was out. Now if Rap could just go back to the turntables and microphones I'd be happy with it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Crap its Tuesday

  • Thursday 4/30 my weekend started. Had the rehearsal dinner for my sister's wedding = great.
  • Friday I hung out with Maggie and worked RoundUp = cool.
  • Saturday we went to my sister's wedding and it was my birthday = awesome.
  • Sunday I saw Wolverine = shit / Had lunch with the wife at the 99 = sweet
  • Monday back to work = raise fist with middle finger

Today is Tuesday already and I'm feeling foggy. I can't complain about my job anymore because everyone reminds me I'm lucky to have one even if it barely pays the bills. This is true. I'll just do the day to day even if it blows. Plus I have Peen's wedding this weekend to look forward to...rehearsal on Thursday.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bunch of shit to do

I just realized why a lot of celebrities have assistants and nannies. I don't have enough time in the day to get my shit done and I'm not famous. They have auditions, meetings endorsement promo work, junkets, interviews, and a bunch of nonsense I'm sure. I just want to get ready for 2 weddings, renew my driver's licence, get my car inspected all while trying to fit in time for family time, work and play. While everyone is at break I write this post. Now time to take a whack at the ICED TURBO.

Got to get my shirt and pant wrinkle free too. Good thing I'm taking 2 days off. Plus Wolverine comes out Friday. Bday gift to me :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

a little promotion for my buddy Ron

This is a promo poster I made in 06.

From Design work

And his new business card I made in 08

From Design work

past weekend and stuff

It was nice and hot in MA but my daughter was cutting some molars and had her first cold. We had fun anyway. She's a tough little cookie. I got to put some video and pictures up but i write this stuff at work in between tests so i have to make time at home soon and add to and redo and work on my own site plus portfolio while I relearn all the software I have because I've been lazy ever but really bad for the past 3 years.

Friday, April 24, 2009


randomcampbell and RandomRealm are the two names I use in forums, gamertag and the freelance graphics business I have yet to establish due to my fear of failure.

Starting out

So I think I'm going to start putting pictures and links and maybe some video here. Not that I really want people to know anything about my life but think some might be interested in some guy with a regular life style right? Maybe not. I'll just toss some stuff out. how I feel what my opinion is about movies, games, music and other crap I come across like projects I'm working on. My daughter might make an appearance because she's pretty funny. Who knows I'll figure it out as I go.