Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Helmet then and now + ME = WTF

Just a little something that was on my mind.

Driving into work I was listening to Lithium (Sirius 24) and Unsung by Helmet came on, it made me think how things change and sometimes change for the worse. I've changed a bit since I first started listening to them both physically and a little mentally. I still complain a lot about nothing. I understand that bands come and go and some go through transformations over time. I know the original band hasn't been together for a while and most of them are involved with other projects, which is cool. I was getting pumped years back when I heard Page Hamilton was working on a new band called Gandhi but he ended up reforming Helmet and releasing Size Matters and has put out other new Helmet albums and I just don't like them. It's not about having the same members in the band that's got me a snobbish about it. I don't like the new style of singing. It sounds like he's trying to connect with the winy emo crowd. Don't know why maybe that's the direction he wants to go. I am still a fan just of the older stuff which I'm sure they'd bust out at a show. That's when I got to thinking. Have I changed for the worse over the same period of time? Some people might like the old me and that's cool I guess but the me in the now doesn't really care anymore. I not here to try and make you like me. I'm too busy for that. I'm trying to make decisions that will benefit my family because I've made many bad choices in the past. Not sure where this is going but I guess just like Helmet I'm still the same and different all in one except I still like me. Ya dig sucka?

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