Thursday, January 13, 2022


I thought I'd be posting more but what seemed like months turned into years. At this moment we are living in a virus filled world and we might be the largest of them all. Like any year, decade or generation there will be highs and lows. Focus on the highs. I'm still upset about the flying car and hoverboard situation now that we are living in the future.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Why have I not used this blog more

I have so many things on my mind. I figured this would be a great outlet for them but maybe I'm just too lazy. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow or just wipe everything and start fresh.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Where is my flying car?

Growing up in the 80's I'm kinda bummed we still don't have flying cars or boards. I feel deceived.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Goozex and more

So I've been using Goozex lately for Games and Movies. It's a great site for gamers and film buffs and way cheaper than purchasing used some cases. Anyway, its a peer to peer trading site that has everything set up for you and yes you can use paypal to pay for shipping and buying points or tokens. It also has review, playing now and forum sections for people who really like to involved. Just like any social network site you can create your profile and connect with other users. Here's mine: RandomRealm

What systems and games are you playing?

Well I was going to write about other stuff but I must get back to work. Email me, text me, Facebook me, Tweet me, just don't Myspace me, I cancelled that one.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Movies, Music and other stuff

The short of it.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen = Cool but too long and where was the revenge? A+ on the CGI.
G.I.Joe: The Rise of Cobra = I liked it. All I heard was bad news but It was entertaining and kept the cartoon charm. As bad as Van Helsing was I thought Steven Sommers redeemed himself. F the people who think this was are no fun. B on the CGI.

Mighty Tiny
This was my second time seeing Mighty Tiny open for That 1 Guy and this time I can say that they have made me into a believer. The first show I wasn't diggin it, maybe because I was pissed waiting for them to start, whatever. The music was different and kind of cool because it was different. I just wasn't impressed with the vocals. This time around the set was shorter and I thought they sounded 10x better. I think they have the potential to be Awesome.

Another opening act for That 1 Guy. One man, a mic and some pedals. Killer! He was Awesome live, go see him.

That 1 Guy
Third time catching his performance and Awesome as always. The Jam he did with Heatbox was fun. Not as mind blowing sick as the time he jammed with Buckethead but damn good fun.

Other than that I've been battling a cough and snapping shots for a local photo contest. Hope I place.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Well why not or as Chad would say,"Who gives a shit!?"

When you sit in a meeting with your boss and he asks what would make your job experience better and you tell him you would rather do other things than running TOC test then says that's no problem, it makes you feel as though you finally got the point across in a civil manner without having to risk being a jerk about it. So why am I sitting in the lab right now dreading the fact I'm about to do another lot of TOC tests to add onto the lot I started yesterday?

Sometimes I welcome a nuclear fallout.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Quick summary of what is

Need to make more money........who doesn't but rich people. Right?
Movies: Max Payne - ok, a little slow. Mutant Chronicles - Good made for TV BS but what a shitty ending.
Booze: Sweet Tea Vodka, two thumbs drunk. Beer: Lone Star, not bad. Gansett, can't go wrong. Works every time.
Music: Visit Odd World and download music from their incredible games for free.
Games: Battlefield 1943 and Peggle. I might return to the Darkness soon and want to play Prototype ASAP.
Gettin ship shape with my girl.
Maggie is getting funnier every day post fits and what not but she's at that age.